This blog is to inform start-up family photographers of the top 5 programs I can’t live without to run my business. My tag line on Instagram is, “Helping family photographers reach their first $50k without living on IG or leaving another night of the week.” This begins with having the right foundation of programs that help your workflow run smoothly.
Top 5 Programs I Can’t Live Without
- Dubsado – I use this for my client relationship management system (CRM). It keeps all my contracts, invoices, and any communication I send to the client in one spot. I’ve tried other CRM programs before, but switched to Dubsado because the automation features were so much more powerful. I simply couldn’t run my photography business without this CRM. Dubsado Link Here
- Trello – I use Trello for many things, but the main purpose is to keep a workflow of each client so nothing falls through the cracks. Trello also provides a helpful platform to communicate effortlessly with my virtual assistant on tasks for the business.
- Google Calendar – I can’t imagine not having Google Calendar in my life. As a family we use it extensively to make sure that my husband and I are on the same page and that we don’t drop the ball. I use it in my business to keep all appointments showing. I also love that Dubsado links to my Google Calendar so that when a client books with me, their date and time automatically get put onto my calendar so I never have to wonder when someone’s session is coming up.
- Flodesk is my email marketing program for the masses (Dubsado is for one-on-one communication). It is super easy to use and has beautiful modern templates that make it easy to send timely messages to my mailing list. If you would like to try out Flodesk use this link to get 50% off for an ENITRE YEAR. Flodesk Link Here
- Planoly is a free app that helps me plan out my social media posts for Instagram. Rather than trying to post straight to Instagram each day, I can batch this all for the week or however far out I want and get it all done in a day. Then I can either schedule the post to go on a certain date and time, or just go into the app and hit post and everything is already done. It saves me so much time.
- BONUS: ImagenAI is a game changer. Essentially, it’s AI that helps me edit my photos. In fact, it cuts my editing time by 10 times. It is spot on for my style and has learned to match me well. Disclaimer—you must have mastered your style to make proper use of ImagenAI. It can only match your style if you have a pattern for it to learn from. If you would like to try this link will give you 1,500 free edits (that’s 500 more edits then going to their website directly) ImagenAI Link Here
I could list several more programs I use, but these are my top 5 that help me so much and keep everything running smoothly. I believe there is space for everyone in this business, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about getting your photography business started.
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