When it comes to kids, you never know what to expect. They almost demand that you expect the unexpected. As a photographer, you have to be creative, which often includes being quick on your feet and thinking outside of the box. I’ve learned a trick or two during my time as a family photographer, and I want to share with you how to bring out the best in children during a photoshoot. I hope these practical suggestions will help you as a photographer as you grow and expand your business.
Gaining Behavioral Momentum
Even if you don’t see yourself as a natural with kids, just think “playful.” That is the key to your success. You don’t want to push back on a child who is having a hard time during a session; you need to playfully engage them. No child can resist a playful challenge or interesting task. By gaining their cooperation little by little, you are gaining behavioral momentum. Behavioral momentum essentially means building up momentum to what you really want the child to do by giving them easy tasks that they are highly likely to do first before presenting them with more difficult tasks.
Practical Examples to Capture the Best in Children
Let me give you some real-life suggestions and ways I did this during these outdoor mini sessions. These were 10-minute minis, so I didn’t have time to waste. One child had just woken up from a nap and was not in the “mood” for any type of photos. They had brought two stuffed animals. We pretended she brought them to be with the bunny on my camera lens and she thought that was the best thing. They, the animals, would ask for different things, and I’d snap the picture afterward. With another child, we hunted for dandelions to blow since they were everywhere and she didn’t want to hold still for one second. I made dandelion hunting exciting and fun and won her confidence so that the last few minutes we were able to get genuine smiles and great photos in a short amount of time. Because of my posing workflow I don’t stress about how to get lots of variations in only a few minutes.
I hope these practical examples will benefit you and your business. Check back for more educational blogs on how to grow your photography business.

Click below to see more sessions and view other beautiful moments on the blog!
How to Coordinate Stylish Family Looks
Red Rocks Open Space Family Session | Colorado Springs
Lantzy Extended Family Session | Ya Ya Orchard in Longmont, CO
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